Wednesday 6 November 2013

A Writer's Life

A Writer’s Life

Any writer will tell you that the biggest sacrifice we make is to our lives. I’m not talking about life and death or anything like that; I mean our family life, our social life and our love life. Today is my Godson’s 2nd birthday, and I took a fleeting moment out of my working day to wish him a happy birthday and give him his present. It’s only when I saw him, I realize exactly how much the boy has grown, and how long it’s been since I saw him last, which was a couple of weeks ago. Even then it was only a fleeting ‘Hello’ at the local supermarket during the brief time I’m away from my typing to gain sustenance (A growing boy can shoot up fast in only a couple of weeks).

So many relationships end due to writing. When someone takes up writing as a career or even as a hobby, there is very little room for anything else, and yet we try. The problem is that the others in our lives, especially the ones who were there before the writing took hold, suffer for it. If you have a successful relationship with your friends, family and significant other, then you have a circle of very understanding people around you. This is very rarely the case, as I have spoken to many authors on this subject, and a lot of them say they are no-longer with the person they were with when they started writing. Friends become neglected and though we still talk and try to see each other when we can, it is not always possible, days become weeks and then months etc...

These are the sacrifices we make when we write; this isn’t just a hobby, it becomes an obsession. We have to continue our writing, it is our work and it is hard work, but we love it. That is why we make these sacrifices, because it is something we must do. Do you guys agree, or do you think that writing comes last and should only be pursued in between seeing friends and family? Let me know below.

Read, follow, comment and enjoy. M x

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